Current and Recent Educational Projects
Design Studios, Seminars and Elective courses that I have been involved with
Graduation Studio Addis Ababa Living LabMSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Addis Ababa Living Lab”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Design Studio Housing the Urban Invisibles (Dhaka, Bangladesh)MSc2 Studio “Housing the Urban Invisibles, Dhaka, Bangladesh”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling at Delft University of Technology with Visiting Professor Marina Tabassum
MSc2 Elective
Courses Taught
2023 - ongoing:
Course Coordinator and Instructor, of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Architecture of Transition in the Bangladesh Delta”; Section Public Building and Housing Design - Global Housing group, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2020 - ongoing:
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Architectural Ethnography”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Spring 2023:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: Buenos Aires – Dwelling in Barrio Ricciardelli”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2022 - 2023:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: São Paulo Repair and Consolidate”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Spring 2022:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: São Paulo – On The Edge”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2021 - 2022:
Course Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Mixing Navi Mumbai”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2020 - 2022:
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Global Housing Studies”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Spring 2021:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: São Paulo - Into the Void”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the EdX Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Global Housing Design”; Online Learning, Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: Mixing Mumbai”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Architectural Ethnography”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Global Housing Studies”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
2019 – 2020:
Course Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Addis Ababa Living Lab”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Design Tutor of the MSc 2 Design Studio “Global Housing: Dhaka”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology. Studio led by Visiting Professor Marina Tabassum.
2017 – 2019:
Course Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Mumbai”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2017 – 2019:
Course coordinator and responsible instructor of the MSc3 Global Housing Research Seminar and MSc Global Housing Tutorial; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Design Tutor in the MSc 2 Design Studio “Tema Treasures and Transformations (Ghana)”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2017 – 2019:
Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor in the MSc3 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Mumbai”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2015 – 2019:
Responsible Instructor in the MSc3 Research Seminar “Global Housing”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2015 – 2019:
Responsible Instructor in the MSc3 Tutorial “Global Housing”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2014 – 2017:
Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor in the MSc3 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Addis Ababa”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling (2014-17) / Chair of Methods and Analysis (2014-15), Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2013 – 2017:
Guest Scholar in the course “Project NL” of the 1st term of the Berlage Master in Architecture and Urban Design; The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design
2016 – 2017:
Design Tutor in the MSc 2 Design Studio “Housing under the Himalaya”; Chair of Complex Projects / Chair of Architecture and Dwelling / Chair of Architectural Engineering, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2009 – 2014:
Seminar Tutor in the MSc 1 Seminar “Architectural Studies” and MSc1 Seminar “Architectural Reflections”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2013 – 2014:
Design Tutor in the MSc 1/2 Design Studio “Charging Chandigarh”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2012 – 2013:
Design and Research Tutor in the MSc3 Graduation Studio “At Home in the City”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2006 – 2009:
Lecturer in the BSc Design Studio; Department of Architecture at University of Coimbra.
2004 – 2006:
Guest Lecturer in the BSc Design Studio; Department of Architecture at University of Coimbra.
1998 – 2006:
Guest Lecturer in the BSc Design Studio; ARCA-EUAC University School of Arts of Coimbra.
Course Coordinator and Instructor, of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Architecture of Transition in the Bangladesh Delta”; Section Public Building and Housing Design - Global Housing group, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2020 - ongoing:
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Architectural Ethnography”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Spring 2023:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: Buenos Aires – Dwelling in Barrio Ricciardelli”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2022 - 2023:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: São Paulo Repair and Consolidate”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Spring 2022:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: São Paulo – On The Edge”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2021 - 2022:
Course Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Mixing Navi Mumbai”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2020 - 2022:
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Global Housing Studies”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Spring 2021:
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: São Paulo - Into the Void”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Instructor of the EdX Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Global Housing Design”; Online Learning, Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator of the MSc2 Design Studio “Global Housing: Mixing Mumbai”; Section Form, Space and Type - Group Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Architectural Ethnography”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Responsible Instructor of the MSc2 elective course “Global Housing Studies”, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
2019 – 2020:
Course Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Addis Ababa Living Lab”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Course Coordinator and Design Tutor of the MSc 2 Design Studio “Global Housing: Dhaka”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology. Studio led by Visiting Professor Marina Tabassum.
2017 – 2019:
Course Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor of the MSc3/4 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Mumbai”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2017 – 2019:
Course coordinator and responsible instructor of the MSc3 Global Housing Research Seminar and MSc Global Housing Tutorial; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Design Tutor in the MSc 2 Design Studio “Tema Treasures and Transformations (Ghana)”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2017 – 2019:
Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor in the MSc3 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Mumbai”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2015 – 2019:
Responsible Instructor in the MSc3 Research Seminar “Global Housing”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2015 – 2019:
Responsible Instructor in the MSc3 Tutorial “Global Housing”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2014 – 2017:
Coordinator, Design and Research Tutor in the MSc3 Graduation Studio “Global Housing: Addis Ababa”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling (2014-17) / Chair of Methods and Analysis (2014-15), Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2013 – 2017:
Guest Scholar in the course “Project NL” of the 1st term of the Berlage Master in Architecture and Urban Design; The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design
2016 – 2017:
Design Tutor in the MSc 2 Design Studio “Housing under the Himalaya”; Chair of Complex Projects / Chair of Architecture and Dwelling / Chair of Architectural Engineering, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2009 – 2014:
Seminar Tutor in the MSc 1 Seminar “Architectural Studies” and MSc1 Seminar “Architectural Reflections”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2013 – 2014:
Design Tutor in the MSc 1/2 Design Studio “Charging Chandigarh”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2012 – 2013:
Design and Research Tutor in the MSc3 Graduation Studio “At Home in the City”; Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology.
2006 – 2009:
Lecturer in the BSc Design Studio; Department of Architecture at University of Coimbra.
2004 – 2006:
Guest Lecturer in the BSc Design Studio; Department of Architecture at University of Coimbra.
1998 – 2006:
Guest Lecturer in the BSc Design Studio; ARCA-EUAC University School of Arts of Coimbra.
MSc2 Studio “Housing the Urban Invisibles, Dhaka, Bangladesh” (TU Delft)
Studio Tutors: Marina Tabassum, Nelson Mota and Dick van Gameren
Spring 2019
Studio Tutors: Marina Tabassum, Nelson Mota and Dick van Gameren
Spring 2019
Supervision of Post/Doc, Phd and MSc students
Post Doctoral research, Doctoral dissertation and Master graduation projects that I have supervised so far
Supervision of Post Doctoral Projects
2017 – ongoing:
Co-Supervisor of the post-doctoral research project of Pedro Baía: “Team 10 Far West: Revisão Crítica do Movimento Moderno em Portugal e Espanha, 1951-1981”, funded by FCT – Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia (FRH/BPD/119513/2016)
Co-Supervisor of the post-doctoral research project of Pedro Baía: “Team 10 Far West: Revisão Crítica do Movimento Moderno em Portugal e Espanha, 1951-1981”, funded by FCT – Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia (FRH/BPD/119513/2016)
Supervision of PhD Candidates
2019 - present:
Co-Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Adalberto Silva Dias, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. Working Title: Porto, Avenida da Ponte, Complexidade e Transformação. Expected date for the defence: 2023.
2019 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Jungmin Yoon, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Student housing in Africa in the era of rapid urbanization. Expected date for the defence: 2023.
2019 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Afua Wilcox, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: In-Situ Upgrading vs Greenfield Redevelopment. Expected date for the defence: 2023.
2018 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Brook Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: The Essence of the Void: Meaningful open spaces for dwelling in Addis Ababa. Expected date for the defence: 2022.
2017 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Yask Kulshreshtha. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: ALAyA: A home for low income household that uses durable material made with locally available resources. Expected date for the defence: 2021.
2017 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Rohan Varna. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Public Housing In India: Changing Housing Policies & The Role Of The Architect. Expected date for the defence: 2021.
2016 – present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D.Candidate Anteneh Tesfaye Tola. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: The Making of Places of Coexistence – Addis Ababa. Expected date for the defence: 2020.
2016 - 2020:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D.Candidate Michaël Willem Maria Smits. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Developing single-family house design support, for architects operating in rural sub-Saharan Africa. Expected date for the defence: 2018.
2015 – 2017:
Daily Supervisor and Co-Promotor of the Ph.D.Candidate Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Slums Shaped by Labour: A Favela Pattern Language.
2014 – 2020:
Daily Supervisor and Co-Promotor of the Ph.D. candidate Ir. S.M.A. Sedighi. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Title: Inhabitable Voids: Housing Design in Iran’s Period of High-Modernisation. Public Defence held on 13 January 2020.
Co-Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Adalberto Silva Dias, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. Working Title: Porto, Avenida da Ponte, Complexidade e Transformação. Expected date for the defence: 2023.
2019 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Jungmin Yoon, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Student housing in Africa in the era of rapid urbanization. Expected date for the defence: 2023.
2019 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Afua Wilcox, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: In-Situ Upgrading vs Greenfield Redevelopment. Expected date for the defence: 2023.
2018 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Brook Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: The Essence of the Void: Meaningful open spaces for dwelling in Addis Ababa. Expected date for the defence: 2022.
2017 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Yask Kulshreshtha. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: ALAyA: A home for low income household that uses durable material made with locally available resources. Expected date for the defence: 2021.
2017 - present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D. candidate Rohan Varna. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Public Housing In India: Changing Housing Policies & The Role Of The Architect. Expected date for the defence: 2021.
2016 – present:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D.Candidate Anteneh Tesfaye Tola. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: The Making of Places of Coexistence – Addis Ababa. Expected date for the defence: 2020.
2016 - 2020:
Daily Supervisor of the Ph.D.Candidate Michaël Willem Maria Smits. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Developing single-family house design support, for architects operating in rural sub-Saharan Africa. Expected date for the defence: 2018.
2015 – 2017:
Daily Supervisor and Co-Promotor of the Ph.D.Candidate Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Working Title: Slums Shaped by Labour: A Favela Pattern Language.
2014 – 2020:
Daily Supervisor and Co-Promotor of the Ph.D. candidate Ir. S.M.A. Sedighi. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. Title: Inhabitable Voids: Housing Design in Iran’s Period of High-Modernisation. Public Defence held on 13 January 2020.
Supervision of MSc Graduation Thesis
“Practiced Place: Addis in the Making” by Ludovica Cassina
(Global Housing Studio, TU Delft, 2019-20), Graduation project.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Ludovica Cassina, “Practiced Place: Addis in the Making”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yuerong Zhuo, “Gerji Co-habitable Densification _ Urbanization & Nostalgia”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Daniela Miková, “Towards Circular Neighbourhood: Addis Ababa Living Lab”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Alex Hewitson, “Radical Vernacular: A New Ethiopian Urbanity”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Fabio Buondonno, “On the Fringe: Toward an inclusive City”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Antonio Paoletti, “Architectures in Motion: Reconfiguring Addis Ababa's Narratives”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Carolina Sanchez Barbero, “Recomposing the city fragments of Addis Ababa: Physical re-weaving of Addis from a social perspective”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Son Hei Sou, “Making a Living: Integrating informal income generation schemes into formal urban housing redevelopment as foundation for future economic growth and urban densification”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jinfeng Cheng, “From Home to Home: Towards an inclusive, mixed and updatable community”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Casper Pasveer, “Kebele 24: An urban redevelopment scheme for multi-storey dwelling in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Simona Subačiūtė, “The new arrival city of Addis Ababa: Creating resilient urban clusters for city's dwellers and newcomers”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Gavin Wallace, “Exploring the connection between arriving young adults and current residents of Addis Ababa: The redevelopment of bole sub city Woreda 14, Gerji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jie Yang, “A right to an inclusive open community”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jakob Schmitt, “An Urban Development Strategy for New Aruna Nagar, Majnu Ka Tilla, Delhi”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Cristian Rancati, “Vernacular Urbanism”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yadie Meko, “Respite: A Breathing Space in a City of Acrimony - Addis Ababa Living Lab Affordable Housing”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Matthijs Verrijzer, “[RE] Connecting Mumbai: A response to the increasing spatial and social polarization within the city of Mumbai”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Ludovica Cassina, “Practiced Place: Addis in the Making”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yuerong Zhuo, “Gerji Co-habitable Densification _ Urbanization & Nostalgia”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Daniela Miková, “Towards Circular Neighbourhood: Addis Ababa Living Lab”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Alex Hewitson, “Radical Vernacular: A New Ethiopian Urbanity”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Fabio Buondonno, “On the Fringe: Toward an inclusive City”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Antonio Paoletti, “Architectures in Motion: Reconfiguring Addis Ababa's Narratives”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Carolina Sanchez Barbero, “Recomposing the city fragments of Addis Ababa: Physical re-weaving of Addis from a social perspective”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Son Hei Sou, “Making a Living: Integrating informal income generation schemes into formal urban housing redevelopment as foundation for future economic growth and urban densification”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jinfeng Cheng, “From Home to Home: Towards an inclusive, mixed and updatable community”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Casper Pasveer, “Kebele 24: An urban redevelopment scheme for multi-storey dwelling in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Simona Subačiūtė, “The new arrival city of Addis Ababa: Creating resilient urban clusters for city's dwellers and newcomers”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Gavin Wallace, “Exploring the connection between arriving young adults and current residents of Addis Ababa: The redevelopment of bole sub city Woreda 14, Gerji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jie Yang, “A right to an inclusive open community”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jakob Schmitt, “An Urban Development Strategy for New Aruna Nagar, Majnu Ka Tilla, Delhi”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Cristian Rancati, “Vernacular Urbanism”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yadie Meko, “Respite: A Breathing Space in a City of Acrimony - Addis Ababa Living Lab Affordable Housing”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Matthijs Verrijzer, “[RE] Connecting Mumbai: A response to the increasing spatial and social polarization within the city of Mumbai”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
“Community in the time of Market Economy” (Archined, 8 April 2020)
by Gonzalo Zylberman (Global Housing Studio, TU Delft, 2018-19)
Graduation project selected for Archiprix Netherlands 2020.
by Gonzalo Zylberman (Global Housing Studio, TU Delft, 2018-19)
Graduation project selected for Archiprix Netherlands 2020.
Arianna Fornasiero and Paolo Turconi (TU Delft, 2017)
Graduation project awarded with an honourable mention in Archiprix 2018.
Arianna Fornasiero and Paolo Turconi (TU Delft, 2017)
Graduation project awarded with an honourable mention in Archiprix 2018.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Biling Yang, “Beyond live and work: Development of affordable housing integrated with income generation activities in Nalasopara, Mumbai”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Guillaume Veillat, “A higher sense of place: A people focussed alternative for affordable dense redevelopment”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Wout Kruijer, “Dry Feet”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Quennie Wong, “Bridging Realities: A Response to Spatial Inequality in Mumbai & Nalasopara”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Seung Won (Jennifer) Nam, “Organizing the Unorganized: Towards empowerment of the informal sector”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Claire Barry, “Housing Humanity, Building Locality”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Natascha Lüth, “A productive neighbourhood: Economic activity as a driver for sustainable development”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Gonzalo Zylberman, “Community in the time of market economy”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Fleur Melchers, “Towards a Sustainable Density”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Rafaela Ahsam, “Synergistic Heterogeneity: Fostering resilience through inclusive development for a transient population”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Linn Opsahl, “A Framework for Resilient Communities: An alternative strategy to the current affordable housing developments for the urban poor in suburban Mumbai.”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Dennis Musalim, “A Place to Breathe: An alternative for in-situ redevelopment of Baithi Chawls in Nala Sopara”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Robyne Somé, “Burkinabé Domesticity: A contextualized response to rapid urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Short Documentary available here:
MSc Graduation Thesis by Biling Yang, “Beyond live and work: Development of affordable housing integrated with income generation activities in Nalasopara, Mumbai”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Guillaume Veillat, “A higher sense of place: A people focussed alternative for affordable dense redevelopment”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Wout Kruijer, “Dry Feet”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Quennie Wong, “Bridging Realities: A Response to Spatial Inequality in Mumbai & Nalasopara”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Seung Won (Jennifer) Nam, “Organizing the Unorganized: Towards empowerment of the informal sector”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Claire Barry, “Housing Humanity, Building Locality”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Natascha Lüth, “A productive neighbourhood: Economic activity as a driver for sustainable development”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Gonzalo Zylberman, “Community in the time of market economy”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Fleur Melchers, “Towards a Sustainable Density”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Rafaela Ahsam, “Synergistic Heterogeneity: Fostering resilience through inclusive development for a transient population”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Linn Opsahl, “A Framework for Resilient Communities: An alternative strategy to the current affordable housing developments for the urban poor in suburban Mumbai.”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Dennis Musalim, “A Place to Breathe: An alternative for in-situ redevelopment of Baithi Chawls in Nala Sopara”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Robyne Somé, “Burkinabé Domesticity: A contextualized response to rapid urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Short Documentary available here:
“Burkinabé Domesticity”
A Short Documentary by Roby Somé (TU Delft, 2018)
Graduation project developed at TU Delft (Explore Lab).
A Short Documentary by Roby Somé (TU Delft, 2018)
Graduation project developed at TU Delft (Explore Lab).
MSc Graduation Thesis by Willem Piethaan, “Vertical Mumbai: Development of qualitative social housing in a highly dense city”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Rosanne van Ek, “Activating Sri Prastha: Redeveloping Mumbai´s vacant housing stock”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Thomas Fell Rubio, “In between "handshakes": A critical demolition as a redevelopment strategy”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Thomas Latjes, “Blurred boundaries: The Reintroduction of Hierarchical Spaces in The Baithi Chawls of Mumbai”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jaap Le, “Transit City”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Liza de Jong, “Leaving space: an alternative for the chawl redevelopment in Nala Sopara”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Karolina Bachman, “Productive & Resilient Living: A Template for New Housing in Kullu Valley”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Ryan McGaffney, “Towards a Habitable Earth: Transitional Logistics: A New Transportation Template in The Kullu Valley”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Pepijn Holthuis, “Transition of the Baithi Chawl”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Roza Derakhshan Alavijeh, “Open Building Approach Toward Inclusive Urban Space”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Deepanshu Arneja, “Mess is More: Iterating Dwelling Design Processes for the Urban Poor in New Delhi, India”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Margot de Man, “Condominium 3.0: Reinventing Addis Ababa’s Mass Housing Projects for the City and it’s Low-Income Dwellers”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Maartje Holtslag, “Renewal of the Sefer Step by Step: Affordable housing in Ethiopia - Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Lorenzo Cocchi “A Global Approach to Vernacular Practices”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jia Fang Chang “Anchored through Time”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Frank Reitsma “Mafundi Expo: Presenting an Alternative Housing Typology to the Informal Craftsmen of Dar es Salaam”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Juan Tenorio de Peroy “Densification without segregation”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Cherry Yau “A Symbiotic Relationship Between Living and Density: Densifying and Upgrading City Center of Addis Ababa with Open-to-sky Spaces”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Monica Lelieveld “Urban Transit Zone: A Permanent Network for Temporary Inhabitation”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Fabio Tossutti “The inheritance of the sefer. The swing between density and heterogeneity: Strategies for urban renewal in the historical neighborhoods of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Arianna Fornasiero and Paolo Turconi “Rhizome”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Anne van der Meulen “A fruitful border: How can an affordable housing scheme in Addis Ababa be an open border that generates economic and social exchange?”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Michele Bassi “The informality as a catalyst of new developments: In between top-down and bottom-up approaches of urban interventions”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Dominik Saitl “Architect-Developer”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Willem Piethaan, “Vertical Mumbai: Development of qualitative social housing in a highly dense city”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Rosanne van Ek, “Activating Sri Prastha: Redeveloping Mumbai´s vacant housing stock”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Thomas Fell Rubio, “In between "handshakes": A critical demolition as a redevelopment strategy”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Thomas Latjes, “Blurred boundaries: The Reintroduction of Hierarchical Spaces in The Baithi Chawls of Mumbai”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jaap Le, “Transit City”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Liza de Jong, “Leaving space: an alternative for the chawl redevelopment in Nala Sopara”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Karolina Bachman, “Productive & Resilient Living: A Template for New Housing in Kullu Valley”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Ryan McGaffney, “Towards a Habitable Earth: Transitional Logistics: A New Transportation Template in The Kullu Valley”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Pepijn Holthuis, “Transition of the Baithi Chawl”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Roza Derakhshan Alavijeh, “Open Building Approach Toward Inclusive Urban Space”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Deepanshu Arneja, “Mess is More: Iterating Dwelling Design Processes for the Urban Poor in New Delhi, India”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Margot de Man, “Condominium 3.0: Reinventing Addis Ababa’s Mass Housing Projects for the City and it’s Low-Income Dwellers”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Maartje Holtslag, “Renewal of the Sefer Step by Step: Affordable housing in Ethiopia - Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Lorenzo Cocchi “A Global Approach to Vernacular Practices”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jia Fang Chang “Anchored through Time”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Frank Reitsma “Mafundi Expo: Presenting an Alternative Housing Typology to the Informal Craftsmen of Dar es Salaam”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Juan Tenorio de Peroy “Densification without segregation”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Cherry Yau “A Symbiotic Relationship Between Living and Density: Densifying and Upgrading City Center of Addis Ababa with Open-to-sky Spaces”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Monica Lelieveld “Urban Transit Zone: A Permanent Network for Temporary Inhabitation”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Fabio Tossutti “The inheritance of the sefer. The swing between density and heterogeneity: Strategies for urban renewal in the historical neighborhoods of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Arianna Fornasiero and Paolo Turconi “Rhizome”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Anne van der Meulen “A fruitful border: How can an affordable housing scheme in Addis Ababa be an open border that generates economic and social exchange?”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Michele Bassi “The informality as a catalyst of new developments: In between top-down and bottom-up approaches of urban interventions”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Dominik Saitl “Architect-Developer”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
Okana Pavilions, designed by Laura Straehle & Ellen Rouwendal
Part of their graduation project “From Landscape to Roofscape. A pilot pavilion design for multifunctional public use in East-Africa”.
Photos: Laura Straehle & Ellen Rouwendal (December 2016).
WINNER of the award Archiprix NL 2017. More info here
Part of their graduation project “From Landscape to Roofscape. A pilot pavilion design for multifunctional public use in East-Africa”.
Photos: Laura Straehle & Ellen Rouwendal (December 2016).
WINNER of the award Archiprix NL 2017. More info here
“From Landscape to Roofscape. A pilot pavilion design for multifunctional public use in East-Africa"
Laura Straehle & Ellen Rouwendal.
Graduation project awarded with an honourable mention.
Laura Straehle & Ellen Rouwendal.
Graduation project awarded with an honourable mention.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Dieuwer Jilles Duijf “Evolutionary housing strategy that creates a higher density living environment for the urban poor in Port au Prince Haiti”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Pietro Degli Esposti “The inclusive Pattern, tracing the city fabric of Addis Ababa”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jasper de Wert “Courtyard Communities: An alternative to accommodate the growth of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yildiz Haseki “Living in the Places of Memory”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Anna de Putti “Same but different”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Qianyun Tang “Vitalize Fence: Bridge the gap between different hierarchies of social spaces”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Lara Spagnol “Retaining a life together: Collecting courtyards in Addis Ababa”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Siqi Fan “Transforming an informal Addis: Urban renewal through reinterpreting the urban informality”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yolande de Vries “The Addis Ababa In-Between”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yasuko Tarumi “Bridging the Communities for the Better Future”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Ruofan Gan “In(to)formal housing: from the past to the future”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Federica Fogazzi “A city web”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
***Federica graduated with an honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Huiyi Qian “Re-defining the social identity”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Salima Benaissa “Critical regionalism: Sustainable Housing Project in Morocco”, design and research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Laura Katharina Straehle and Ellen Rouwendal “From Landscape to Roofscape. A pilot pavilion design for multifunctional public use in East-Africa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
***Laura and Ellen graduated with 10/10 and received a honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Dieuwer Jilles Duijf “Evolutionary housing strategy that creates a higher density living environment for the urban poor in Port au Prince Haiti”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Pietro Degli Esposti “The inclusive Pattern, tracing the city fabric of Addis Ababa”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Jasper de Wert “Courtyard Communities: An alternative to accommodate the growth of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yildiz Haseki “Living in the Places of Memory”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Anna de Putti “Same but different”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Qianyun Tang “Vitalize Fence: Bridge the gap between different hierarchies of social spaces”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Lara Spagnol “Retaining a life together: Collecting courtyards in Addis Ababa”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Siqi Fan “Transforming an informal Addis: Urban renewal through reinterpreting the urban informality”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yolande de Vries “The Addis Ababa In-Between”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Yasuko Tarumi “Bridging the Communities for the Better Future”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Ruofan Gan “In(to)formal housing: from the past to the future”, research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Federica Fogazzi “A city web”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
***Federica graduated with an honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Huiyi Qian “Re-defining the social identity”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Salima Benaissa “Critical regionalism: Sustainable Housing Project in Morocco”, design and research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Laura Katharina Straehle and Ellen Rouwendal “From Landscape to Roofscape. A pilot pavilion design for multifunctional public use in East-Africa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.
***Laura and Ellen graduated with 10/10 and received a honourable mention***
“"a bigger wall" - Frames of Addis Ababa”
Andrea Migotto.
Graduation project awarded with an honourable mention.
Andrea Migotto.
Graduation project awarded with an honourable mention.
"Less Space, More Place!"
Bas Hoevenaars.
Project selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands) 2016 Edition.
Bas Hoevenaars.
Project selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands) 2016 Edition.
"Holarchy. Architecture as tool for urbanization"
Jules Gallissian.
Project awarded with an honourable mention and selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands) 2016 Edition.
Jules Gallissian.
Project awarded with an honourable mention and selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands) 2016 Edition.
“Towards a socially inclusive Addis Ababa: articulating a new urban renewal strategy”
Stephanie Snellenberg (graduated cum laude).
Stephanie Snellenberg (graduated cum laude).
Research Tutor for seven students of the MSc Graduation Studio "Global Housing: Cross-cultural Methods and Positions / Addis Ababa".
*** Bas Hoevenaars and Jules Galissian were selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands); Jules received a honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Wei Song “In-situ slum upgrading in Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Leen Bogerd “Infill city: An urban renewal strategy for housing in Addis Ketema”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Andrea Migotto “"a bigger wall" - Frames of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
***Andrea graduated with 10/10 and received a honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Juan Camilo Arboleda “Inclusive Re-Densification of the city center of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Siyun Shen “Living in between”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Max Brobbel “Reinterpreting the Condominium”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Stephanie Snellenberg “Towards a socially inclusive Addis Ababa: articulating a new urban renewal strategy”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
*** Stephanie graduated cum laude***
Msc Graduation Thesis by Sanne de Vries “The Green Courtyard - Productive green revitalising the collective residential courtyard”, design and research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Orsolya Mátyus “Providing a home for the Roma's”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Research Tutor for seven students of the MSc Graduation Studio "Global Housing: Cross-cultural Methods and Positions / Addis Ababa".
*** Bas Hoevenaars and Jules Galissian were selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands); Jules received a honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Wei Song “In-situ slum upgrading in Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Leen Bogerd “Infill city: An urban renewal strategy for housing in Addis Ketema”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Andrea Migotto “"a bigger wall" - Frames of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
***Andrea graduated with 10/10 and received a honourable mention***
MSc Graduation Thesis by Juan Camilo Arboleda “Inclusive Re-Densification of the city center of Addis Ababa”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Siyun Shen “Living in between”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Max Brobbel “Reinterpreting the Condominium”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Stephanie Snellenberg “Towards a socially inclusive Addis Ababa: articulating a new urban renewal strategy”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
*** Stephanie graduated cum laude***
Msc Graduation Thesis by Sanne de Vries “The Green Courtyard - Productive green revitalising the collective residential courtyard”, design and research mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
MSc Graduation Thesis by Orsolya Mátyus “Providing a home for the Roma's”, design mentor. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
“Responsive Suburbia: dwelling and working in IJBurg”
Dominika Linowska.
Project selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands) 2014 Edition.
Dominika Linowska.
Project selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands) 2014 Edition.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Dominika Linowska “Responsive Suburbia: dwelling and working in IJBurg”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
***Dominika was selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands)***
Msc Graduation Thesis by Peter Smisek “Making the Link: Public Space and Flexible dwelling on Ronettenterrein”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Henk de Haan “Minimum / Maximum: a small scale dwelling environment within the large scale of Zuidas”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Xinghua Zu “An Open Building Project as Urban Catalyst, Gershwin Cluster 1, Zuidas Amsterdam”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Abdelghani Ouaali “The green power of the gardencity: The Functional Block”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Joe Platt “Bridging The Divide: Accommodating City Life in the Zuidas”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Kursat Ayhan “Blocks Building Bridges: the ambiguous in-between space”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Dominika Linowska “Responsive Suburbia: dwelling and working in IJBurg”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
***Dominika was selected for the Archiprix Prize (Netherlands)***
Msc Graduation Thesis by Peter Smisek “Making the Link: Public Space and Flexible dwelling on Ronettenterrein”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Henk de Haan “Minimum / Maximum: a small scale dwelling environment within the large scale of Zuidas”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Xinghua Zu “An Open Building Project as Urban Catalyst, Gershwin Cluster 1, Zuidas Amsterdam”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Abdelghani Ouaali “The green power of the gardencity: The Functional Block”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Joe Platt “Bridging The Divide: Accommodating City Life in the Zuidas”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
Msc Graduation Thesis by Kursat Ayhan “Blocks Building Bridges: the ambiguous in-between space”, design mentor with Ype Cuperus. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft Univeristy of Technology.
M. Arch. Thesis by Rui André Mata da Cunha "Robin Hood Gardens : a condição paradigmática de uma ideia construída" (Robin Hood Gardens: the paradigmatic condition of a built idea), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Ivo César Pereira Lapa "Tabula non rasa : um enquadramento do trabalho dos Lacaton & Vassal no debate sobre o contexto" (Tabula non rasa: the work of Lacaton & Vassal framed in the context debate), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch Thesis by Guida Manuela Ramalho Gonçalves "Coimbra por entre linhas : o transporte colectivo sobre carris e a evolução do espaço urbano" (Coimbra between lines: colective rail transportation and the evolution of the urban space), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Rui André Mata da Cunha "Robin Hood Gardens : a condição paradigmática de uma ideia construída" (Robin Hood Gardens: the paradigmatic condition of a built idea), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Ivo César Pereira Lapa "Tabula non rasa : um enquadramento do trabalho dos Lacaton & Vassal no debate sobre o contexto" (Tabula non rasa: the work of Lacaton & Vassal framed in the context debate), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch Thesis by Guida Manuela Ramalho Gonçalves "Coimbra por entre linhas : o transporte colectivo sobre carris e a evolução do espaço urbano" (Coimbra between lines: colective rail transportation and the evolution of the urban space), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Luís António Castanheira Loureiro "A leste da Herança Moderna. Zlin e a Bat’a na vanguarda do funcionalismo Europeu" (Modern Heritage at East. Zlin and Bat'a in the avant-garde of European Functionalism), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Luísa Pimentel Martins "Loft: A reconversão de edifícios industriais e a requalificação urbana" (LOFT: Reconverting industrial buildings and urban requalification), co-adviser with Professor José Fernando Gonçalves. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Luís António Castanheira Loureiro "A leste da Herança Moderna. Zlin e a Bat’a na vanguarda do funcionalismo Europeu" (Modern Heritage at East. Zlin and Bat'a in the avant-garde of European Functionalism), co-adviser with Professor José António O. Bandeirinha. University of Coimbra.
M. Arch. Thesis by Luísa Pimentel Martins "Loft: A reconversão de edifícios industriais e a requalificação urbana" (LOFT: Reconverting industrial buildings and urban requalification), co-adviser with Professor José Fernando Gonçalves. University of Coimbra.
Southopolis design workshop
Museum Het Schip, 20 June 2017
Museum Het Schip, 20 June 2017
Organizer of the “Southopolis design workshop”, for the International Social Housing Festival 2017, 20 June 2017, Museum Het Schip, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (With Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti)
Tutor in the workshop “Patterns of inhabitation at the Schilderswijk”, organized for the Stroom School, 12 February 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tutor in the Workshop “Addis Additions”, organized by the Chair of Architecture and Dwellings, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building construction and City development (EiABC) at Addis Ababa Uiversity. Held at the EiABC, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from 22-26 April 2013.
Tutor in the Workshop “Charging Chandigarh”, organized by the Chair of Architecture and Dwellings, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with the Chandigarh College of Architecture (CCA). Held at the CCA, Chandigarh (India) from 18-22 March 2013.
Tutor in the Workshop Margens Utópicas do Mondego – Habitar a Água (Mondego’s Utopian River Banks: Living in the Water), organized by Departamento de Arquitectura da FCTUC and Museu da Água de Coimbra (Portugal). Scientific coordination of Gonçalo Byrne. 12-21 September 2007.
Tutor in the Workshop de Arquitectura em Penela (Penela Architecture Workshop), organized by Centre of Architectural Studies of FCTUC and Municipality of Penela (Portugal). Team Coordinated by Alfonso Penela, with scientific coordination of José António Bandeirinha and Alexandre Alves Costa. 21-31 July 2007.
Tutor in the International Workshop for the creation of an Urban Park in S. Jorge de Milreu Monastery enclosure, organised by the Vasco da Gama Universitary School, 3-12 September 2004.
Organizer of the “Southopolis design workshop”, for the International Social Housing Festival 2017, 20 June 2017, Museum Het Schip, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (With Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti)
Tutor in the workshop “Patterns of inhabitation at the Schilderswijk”, organized for the Stroom School, 12 February 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tutor in the Workshop “Addis Additions”, organized by the Chair of Architecture and Dwellings, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building construction and City development (EiABC) at Addis Ababa Uiversity. Held at the EiABC, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from 22-26 April 2013.
Tutor in the Workshop “Charging Chandigarh”, organized by the Chair of Architecture and Dwellings, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with the Chandigarh College of Architecture (CCA). Held at the CCA, Chandigarh (India) from 18-22 March 2013.
Tutor in the Workshop Margens Utópicas do Mondego – Habitar a Água (Mondego’s Utopian River Banks: Living in the Water), organized by Departamento de Arquitectura da FCTUC and Museu da Água de Coimbra (Portugal). Scientific coordination of Gonçalo Byrne. 12-21 September 2007.
Tutor in the Workshop de Arquitectura em Penela (Penela Architecture Workshop), organized by Centre of Architectural Studies of FCTUC and Municipality of Penela (Portugal). Team Coordinated by Alfonso Penela, with scientific coordination of José António Bandeirinha and Alexandre Alves Costa. 21-31 July 2007.
Tutor in the International Workshop for the creation of an Urban Park in S. Jorge de Milreu Monastery enclosure, organised by the Vasco da Gama Universitary School, 3-12 September 2004.