Recent Publication
"The House Gone Missing: The Digital Turn and the Architecture of Dwelling"
Footprint, vol. 17-1, No. 32 (Spring-Summer 2023)
"The House Gone Missing: The Digital Turn and the Architecture of Dwelling"
Footprint, vol. 17-1, No. 32 (Spring-Summer 2023)
Dick van Gameren and Nelson Mota (eds.), 2020, Global Housing: Dwelling in Addis Ababa. (Prinsebeek: JapSam Books)
Nelson Mota, 2019, Viagem à Arquitectura do Quotidiano. (Porto: Ordem dos Arquitectos)
Nelson Mota, 2010, A Arquitectura do Quotidiano. Público e Privado no Espaço Doméstico da Burguesia Portuense no Final do Século XIX. (Coimbra: e|darq).
Nelson Mota, 2019, Viagem à Arquitectura do Quotidiano. (Porto: Ordem dos Arquitectos)
Nelson Mota, 2010, A Arquitectura do Quotidiano. Público e Privado no Espaço Doméstico da Burguesia Portuense no Final do Século XIX. (Coimbra: e|darq).
Doctoral Dissertation
Nelson Mota, 2014, “An Archaeology of the Ordinary. Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling from CIAM to Siza”, (PhD diss., Delft University of Technology). Download Full Text.
Chapters in Books
Façonner les Frontières: Le Logement et l'espace domestique aux Pays'Bas depuis 1901
in Licence d'Architecture: Delft#2: Automne 2016 & Printemps 2017
Boris Bastianelli, ed (Paris: École Spéciale d'Architecture, 2018)
in Licence d'Architecture: Delft#2: Automne 2016 & Printemps 2017
Boris Bastianelli, ed (Paris: École Spéciale d'Architecture, 2018)
Dwelling in the Middle Landscape: Rethinking the Architecture of Rural Communities at CIAM 10
in East West Central: Re-Humanizing Architecture, Vol. 1,
Akos Moravánszky and Judith Hopfengärtner, eds., (Zurich: Birkhauser, 2016)
in East West Central: Re-Humanizing Architecture, Vol. 1,
Akos Moravánszky and Judith Hopfengärtner, eds., (Zurich: Birkhauser, 2016)
In English:
Nelson Mota, Dick van Gameren, “Dwelling beyond cultural differences: Architectural education for peripheral urbanization in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and India”, in The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South, Harriet Harriss, Ashraf M. Salama, and Ane Gonzalez Lara, eds., New York: Routledge, 2023, 419-432.
Nelson Mota, “Inhabited Voids: Visual ethnography as a tool for critical urban transformation”, in Casa Origin, Bruno Gil, João Martinho Miranda, Martinho Araújo, eds. Coimbra: edarq, 2021, 73-75.
Nelson Mota, “Incremental Housing: A Short History of an Idea”, in The New Urban Condition: Criticism and Theory from Architecture and Urbanism, Leandro Medrano, Luiz Recaman, Tom Avermaete, eds., New York: Routledge, 2021, 160-182
Nelson Mota, “Patterns of Inhabitation in Addis Ababa”, in Global Housing: Dwelling in Addis Ababa, Dick van Gameren and Nelson Mota, eds., (Prinsenbeek, Japsam Books, 2020), 90-107
Nelson Mota, “Global Housing: Dwelling Alternatives for an Urban Age”, in Global Housing: Dwelling in Addis Ababa, Dick van Gameren and Nelson Mota, eds., (Prinsenbeek, Japsam Books, 2020), 13-28
Keeton, Rachel, Nelson Mota, Ekim Tan, “Participatory Workshops as a Tool for Building Inclusivity in New Towns in Africa”, in Research in Urbanism Series (RiUS), Vol. 6 Inclusive Urbanism Advances in research, education and practice, Wolfgang Wende, Steffen Nijhuis, Angela Mensing-de Jong & Melanie Humann, eds., (Delft: TU Delft Open, 2020), 281-299.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Guimarães 2017”, in Team Ten Farwest, Pedro Baía, ed., (Porto: Circo de Ideias), 8. Book available here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, "The Timelessness of Form: An Apocryphal Interview with Aldo Rossi and Christopher Alexander", in CARTHA: On the Form of Form, Elena Chiavi et al., dds., (Zurich: Park Books), 60-61. Book available here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Boa Nova Teahouse and Restaurant Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos, Portugal 1958–1963: Architect: Alvaro Siza.” In Restaurants and Dining Rooms, F. Bollerey, & C. Grafe, eds., (London and New York: Routledge), 281-287. Book available here.
Yask Kulshreshtha, Phil Vardon, Nelson Mota, Mark van Loosdrecht, and Henk Jonkers, 2019, “A Case Study on Technical and Social Aspects of Earth Houses in Rural India” in Earthen Dwellings and Structures, edited by Davide Vigetti and Achilleas D. Theocharis (New York, NY: Springer New York), 105–115.
Nelson Mota, 2016, "Dwelling in the Middle Landscape: Rethinking the Architecture of Rural Communities at CIAM 10", in East West Central: Re-Humanizing Architecture, Vol. 1, Akos Moravánszky and Judith Hopfengärtner, eds., (Zurich: Birkhauser), 311-324. Look inside here.
Nelson Mota, Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Mário Krüger, 2014, “From Alberti to Team 10: Towards a Welfare Humanism”, in Cities in Transformation. Research & Design, Ideas, Methods, Techniques, Tools, Case Studies, Marco Bovati, Michele Caja, Giancarlo Floridi, Martina Landsberger, eds (Padova: Il Poligrafo), 713-721.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “A Progressive Attachment. Accommodating Growth and Change in Álvaro Siza’s Malagueira Neighbourhood.” in Consuming Architecture. On the occupation, appropriation and interpretation of buildings, Marcel Vellinga, Daniel Maudlin, eds (London: Routledge), 89-107.
In Portuguese / Other Languages:
Nelson Mota, 2018, “Façonner les Frontières: Le Logement et l'espace domestique aux Pays'Bas depuis 1901” in Licence d'Architecture: Delft#2 ' Automne 2016 & Printemps 2017, Boris Bastianelli, ed (Paris: École Spéciale d'Architecture), 44-55.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “Fernando Távora e a Rebelião das Massas. À Procura de uma Arquitectura entre Memória e Esquecimento” in Sobre o ‘Projecto-de-Arquitectura’ de Fernando Távora, Manuel Mendes, ed (Porto: Fundação Instituto Marques da Silva), 378-399.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “A Estranheza de Algo Familiar. Siza em Berlim e em Haia.” in Homeland, News From Portugal — Arquivo 2014, Pedro Campos Costa, Alessia Allegri, eds, (Lisboa: Note), 177-179.
Nelson Mota, 2011, “At Home com a Burguesia do Porto. Fronteiras entre o Público e o Privado,” in Família, Espaço e Património, Carlota Santos, coord (Porto: CITCEM), 519-545.
Nelson Mota, Dick van Gameren, “Dwelling beyond cultural differences: Architectural education for peripheral urbanization in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and India”, in The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South, Harriet Harriss, Ashraf M. Salama, and Ane Gonzalez Lara, eds., New York: Routledge, 2023, 419-432.
Nelson Mota, “Inhabited Voids: Visual ethnography as a tool for critical urban transformation”, in Casa Origin, Bruno Gil, João Martinho Miranda, Martinho Araújo, eds. Coimbra: edarq, 2021, 73-75.
Nelson Mota, “Incremental Housing: A Short History of an Idea”, in The New Urban Condition: Criticism and Theory from Architecture and Urbanism, Leandro Medrano, Luiz Recaman, Tom Avermaete, eds., New York: Routledge, 2021, 160-182
Nelson Mota, “Patterns of Inhabitation in Addis Ababa”, in Global Housing: Dwelling in Addis Ababa, Dick van Gameren and Nelson Mota, eds., (Prinsenbeek, Japsam Books, 2020), 90-107
Nelson Mota, “Global Housing: Dwelling Alternatives for an Urban Age”, in Global Housing: Dwelling in Addis Ababa, Dick van Gameren and Nelson Mota, eds., (Prinsenbeek, Japsam Books, 2020), 13-28
Keeton, Rachel, Nelson Mota, Ekim Tan, “Participatory Workshops as a Tool for Building Inclusivity in New Towns in Africa”, in Research in Urbanism Series (RiUS), Vol. 6 Inclusive Urbanism Advances in research, education and practice, Wolfgang Wende, Steffen Nijhuis, Angela Mensing-de Jong & Melanie Humann, eds., (Delft: TU Delft Open, 2020), 281-299.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Guimarães 2017”, in Team Ten Farwest, Pedro Baía, ed., (Porto: Circo de Ideias), 8. Book available here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, "The Timelessness of Form: An Apocryphal Interview with Aldo Rossi and Christopher Alexander", in CARTHA: On the Form of Form, Elena Chiavi et al., dds., (Zurich: Park Books), 60-61. Book available here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Boa Nova Teahouse and Restaurant Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos, Portugal 1958–1963: Architect: Alvaro Siza.” In Restaurants and Dining Rooms, F. Bollerey, & C. Grafe, eds., (London and New York: Routledge), 281-287. Book available here.
Yask Kulshreshtha, Phil Vardon, Nelson Mota, Mark van Loosdrecht, and Henk Jonkers, 2019, “A Case Study on Technical and Social Aspects of Earth Houses in Rural India” in Earthen Dwellings and Structures, edited by Davide Vigetti and Achilleas D. Theocharis (New York, NY: Springer New York), 105–115.
Nelson Mota, 2016, "Dwelling in the Middle Landscape: Rethinking the Architecture of Rural Communities at CIAM 10", in East West Central: Re-Humanizing Architecture, Vol. 1, Akos Moravánszky and Judith Hopfengärtner, eds., (Zurich: Birkhauser), 311-324. Look inside here.
Nelson Mota, Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Mário Krüger, 2014, “From Alberti to Team 10: Towards a Welfare Humanism”, in Cities in Transformation. Research & Design, Ideas, Methods, Techniques, Tools, Case Studies, Marco Bovati, Michele Caja, Giancarlo Floridi, Martina Landsberger, eds (Padova: Il Poligrafo), 713-721.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “A Progressive Attachment. Accommodating Growth and Change in Álvaro Siza’s Malagueira Neighbourhood.” in Consuming Architecture. On the occupation, appropriation and interpretation of buildings, Marcel Vellinga, Daniel Maudlin, eds (London: Routledge), 89-107.
In Portuguese / Other Languages:
Nelson Mota, 2018, “Façonner les Frontières: Le Logement et l'espace domestique aux Pays'Bas depuis 1901” in Licence d'Architecture: Delft#2 ' Automne 2016 & Printemps 2017, Boris Bastianelli, ed (Paris: École Spéciale d'Architecture), 44-55.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “Fernando Távora e a Rebelião das Massas. À Procura de uma Arquitectura entre Memória e Esquecimento” in Sobre o ‘Projecto-de-Arquitectura’ de Fernando Távora, Manuel Mendes, ed (Porto: Fundação Instituto Marques da Silva), 378-399.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “A Estranheza de Algo Familiar. Siza em Berlim e em Haia.” in Homeland, News From Portugal — Arquivo 2014, Pedro Campos Costa, Alessia Allegri, eds, (Lisboa: Note), 177-179.
Nelson Mota, 2011, “At Home com a Burguesia do Porto. Fronteiras entre o Público e o Privado,” in Família, Espaço e Património, Carlota Santos, coord (Porto: CITCEM), 519-545.
Articles in Academic Journals
From House to Home: Social Control and Emancipation in Portuguese Public Housing, 1926-76
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 278-2 (June 2019): 208-226
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 278-2 (June 2019): 208-226
Nelson Mota and Dirk van den Heuvel. "The House Gone Missing: The Digital Turn and the Architecture of Dwelling". Footprint, vol. 17-1, No. 32 (Spring-Summer 2023), pp. 3-9. DOI:
Nelson Mota and Brook T. Haileselassie, “Housing Innovation and the Global Foreign Aid Agenda in
Addis Ababa (1964-1993)”, Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, 165 (September 2021), 128-134
Yask Kulshreshtha, Nelson Mota, Kaup S. Jagadish, Jan Bredenoord, Philip J. Vardon, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, Henk M. Jonkers, “The potential and current status of earthen material for low-cost housing in rural India”, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 247 (2020),
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Álvaro Siza’s Negotiated Code: Housing with Citizens’ Participation in the Urban Renewal of The Hague in the 1980s”, Urban Planning, vol. 4, No. 3 (2019), pp. 250-264. Download full text here.
Nelson Mota and Yael Allweil, 2019, "The Value of Housing". Footprint, 13-1, No. 24 (Spring-Summer 2019), pp. 1-10. Download full text here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “From House to Home: Social Control and Emancipation in Portuguese Public Housing, 1926–76”, The Journal of the Society of architectural Historians, 78-2 (June 2019), pp. 208-226. See here.
Nelson Mota, 2018, “A Landscape of Multiplicities: The Production of Subjectivity in Álvaro Siza’s Malagueira Neighbourhood”, Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology 274: 131-147. See here.
José António Bandeirinha, Luís Miguel Correia and Nelson Mota, 2017, “The European City as a Place of Coexistence”, Joelho 8: 5-19. Download full text.
Nelson Mota, 2017, “An Anthropophagic Manifesto for Africa: Making Africa—A Continent of Contemporary Design”, Journal of Architectural Education (May, 2017). Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “The Timelessness of Form: An Apocryphal Interview with Aldo Rossi and Christopher Alexander” Cartha 2 (2016). Download full text.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “To Be Continued... Housing, Design and Self-Determination”, DASH – Delft Architectural Studies on Housing 12-13: 52-69.
Ricardo Agarez and Nelson Mota, 2015, “Architecture in Everyday Life”, Footprint 17: 1-8. Download full text.
Klaske Havik and Nelson Mota, 2015, “Designing for Simultaneity: Negotiating domestic, social and productive practices in Addis Ababa.” OASE – Journal for Architecture 95: 91-96.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Álvaro Siza’s Bonjour Tristesse: A Symphony for a Big City”, The Journal of Architecture 19-5: 779-808. Download full text (access limited).
Nelson Mota, 2014, “The Teacup and the Motorcycle. Situating the Circumstance in Fernando Távora’s Reconceptualization of Architectural Modernism”, OASE – Journal for Architecture 92: 96-111. Download full text.
Nelson Mota, 2012, "Quando o mito da Intocável Virgem Branca se desfez. A arquitetura vernácula e a emergência de um outro Moderno em Portugal." Arquitextos . Read online (in Portuguese).
Nelson Mota, 2012, “From Critical Regionalism to Critical Realism. Challenging the Commodification of Tradition”, DASH – Delft Architectural Studies on Housing 6: 46-55.
Alexandre Alves Costa, Nelson Mota, 2011, "Nem neogarrettianos nem Vencidos da Vida." Monumentos, 32: 148-157.
Nelson Mota, 2011, “Between dogma and populism: Álvaro Siza’s Third Way”, Footprint 8: 35-58. Download full text.
Nelson Mota and Brook T. Haileselassie, “Housing Innovation and the Global Foreign Aid Agenda in
Addis Ababa (1964-1993)”, Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, 165 (September 2021), 128-134
Yask Kulshreshtha, Nelson Mota, Kaup S. Jagadish, Jan Bredenoord, Philip J. Vardon, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, Henk M. Jonkers, “The potential and current status of earthen material for low-cost housing in rural India”, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 247 (2020),
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Álvaro Siza’s Negotiated Code: Housing with Citizens’ Participation in the Urban Renewal of The Hague in the 1980s”, Urban Planning, vol. 4, No. 3 (2019), pp. 250-264. Download full text here.
Nelson Mota and Yael Allweil, 2019, "The Value of Housing". Footprint, 13-1, No. 24 (Spring-Summer 2019), pp. 1-10. Download full text here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “From House to Home: Social Control and Emancipation in Portuguese Public Housing, 1926–76”, The Journal of the Society of architectural Historians, 78-2 (June 2019), pp. 208-226. See here.
Nelson Mota, 2018, “A Landscape of Multiplicities: The Production of Subjectivity in Álvaro Siza’s Malagueira Neighbourhood”, Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology 274: 131-147. See here.
José António Bandeirinha, Luís Miguel Correia and Nelson Mota, 2017, “The European City as a Place of Coexistence”, Joelho 8: 5-19. Download full text.
Nelson Mota, 2017, “An Anthropophagic Manifesto for Africa: Making Africa—A Continent of Contemporary Design”, Journal of Architectural Education (May, 2017). Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “The Timelessness of Form: An Apocryphal Interview with Aldo Rossi and Christopher Alexander” Cartha 2 (2016). Download full text.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “To Be Continued... Housing, Design and Self-Determination”, DASH – Delft Architectural Studies on Housing 12-13: 52-69.
Ricardo Agarez and Nelson Mota, 2015, “Architecture in Everyday Life”, Footprint 17: 1-8. Download full text.
Klaske Havik and Nelson Mota, 2015, “Designing for Simultaneity: Negotiating domestic, social and productive practices in Addis Ababa.” OASE – Journal for Architecture 95: 91-96.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Álvaro Siza’s Bonjour Tristesse: A Symphony for a Big City”, The Journal of Architecture 19-5: 779-808. Download full text (access limited).
Nelson Mota, 2014, “The Teacup and the Motorcycle. Situating the Circumstance in Fernando Távora’s Reconceptualization of Architectural Modernism”, OASE – Journal for Architecture 92: 96-111. Download full text.
Nelson Mota, 2012, "Quando o mito da Intocável Virgem Branca se desfez. A arquitetura vernácula e a emergência de um outro Moderno em Portugal." Arquitextos . Read online (in Portuguese).
Nelson Mota, 2012, “From Critical Regionalism to Critical Realism. Challenging the Commodification of Tradition”, DASH – Delft Architectural Studies on Housing 6: 46-55.
Alexandre Alves Costa, Nelson Mota, 2011, "Nem neogarrettianos nem Vencidos da Vida." Monumentos, 32: 148-157.
Nelson Mota, 2011, “Between dogma and populism: Álvaro Siza’s Third Way”, Footprint 8: 35-58. Download full text.
Articles in Magazines
Houses: The Art of Landing
C3 Magazine, 402 (2019): 90-95
C3 Magazine, 402 (2019): 90-95
Mota, Nelson “Architectural Condolences: An Experience of Transcendence” C3 Magazine 413 (2021), p. 154-159. Order Issue here.
Mota, Nelson “Hedonistic Utilitarianism: Rethinking the Architecture of Public Amenities” C3 Magazine 411 (2021), p. 76-83. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Houses: The Art of Landing” C3 Magazine 402: 90-95. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, 2017, “A Concrete Renaissance” C3 Magazine 390 (July 2017): 58-65. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “The Vernacular as Lingua Franca”, Site Magazine, 36 (Winter 2016): 12-20. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, Dick van Gameren, 2016, “Affordable housing and sustainable development: a tale of two systems”, in “World Architecture Festival 2016”, supplement of The Architectural Review (April 2016): s-p. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “Ecologies of Domesticity: Three Ways of Designing the Landscape”, C3 Magazine 375: 117-120.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “Ruins as Collective Monuments”, C3 Magazine 369: 18-21.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “SAAL, Sweat and Tears”, Volume 43: 82-91. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Enhancing Porosity: Rethinking the Interface Between the Dwelling and the Community”, C3 Magazine 359: 148-151.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “The Strangeness of Something Familiar: Homeland Beyond Soil and Blood in Álvaro Siza’s Architecture of Dwelling”, Homeland. News from Portugal 1: 33. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Architecture at the Funeral: Between Nature and Artefact”, C3 Magazine 355: 46-49.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Accommodating Differences: Polyvalence Beyond Flexibility”, C3 Magazine 354: 74-77.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Homelessness and the nostalgia for the spontaneous” Punkto. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2013, “Architecture of Memorial. Designing the Presence of Something Absent”, C3 Magazine 345: 134-137.
Nelson Mota, 2013, “É de Génios que Precisamos Agora?”, JA – Jornal Arquitectos 246: 80-83. Read online (in Portuguese).
Nelson Mota, 2013, “Revamping the Derelicts of the Past: In Praise of the Hybrid”, C3 Magazine 342: 38-41.
Nelson Mota, 2012, “Decoding the Vernacular: An Architecture of Reciprocity”, C3 Magazine 340: 158-163.
Mota, Nelson “Hedonistic Utilitarianism: Rethinking the Architecture of Public Amenities” C3 Magazine 411 (2021), p. 76-83. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, 2019, “Houses: The Art of Landing” C3 Magazine 402: 90-95. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, 2017, “A Concrete Renaissance” C3 Magazine 390 (July 2017): 58-65. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “The Vernacular as Lingua Franca”, Site Magazine, 36 (Winter 2016): 12-20. Order Issue here.
Nelson Mota, Dick van Gameren, 2016, “Affordable housing and sustainable development: a tale of two systems”, in “World Architecture Festival 2016”, supplement of The Architectural Review (April 2016): s-p. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “Ecologies of Domesticity: Three Ways of Designing the Landscape”, C3 Magazine 375: 117-120.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “Ruins as Collective Monuments”, C3 Magazine 369: 18-21.
Nelson Mota, 2015, “SAAL, Sweat and Tears”, Volume 43: 82-91. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Enhancing Porosity: Rethinking the Interface Between the Dwelling and the Community”, C3 Magazine 359: 148-151.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “The Strangeness of Something Familiar: Homeland Beyond Soil and Blood in Álvaro Siza’s Architecture of Dwelling”, Homeland. News from Portugal 1: 33. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Architecture at the Funeral: Between Nature and Artefact”, C3 Magazine 355: 46-49.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Accommodating Differences: Polyvalence Beyond Flexibility”, C3 Magazine 354: 74-77.
Nelson Mota, 2014, “Homelessness and the nostalgia for the spontaneous” Punkto. Read online.
Nelson Mota, 2013, “Architecture of Memorial. Designing the Presence of Something Absent”, C3 Magazine 345: 134-137.
Nelson Mota, 2013, “É de Génios que Precisamos Agora?”, JA – Jornal Arquitectos 246: 80-83. Read online (in Portuguese).
Nelson Mota, 2013, “Revamping the Derelicts of the Past: In Praise of the Hybrid”, C3 Magazine 342: 38-41.
Nelson Mota, 2012, “Decoding the Vernacular: An Architecture of Reciprocity”, C3 Magazine 340: 158-163.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Nelson Mota, Silvia Colmenares Vilata; Elena Martínez-Millana; Roberto Cavallo; Sergio Martín Blas; Guiomar Martín Domínguez, eds. Proceedings of the Critic|all V: International Conference on Architectural Design and Criticism, ETSAM and TU Delft, 2023
Nelson Mota, “Mapping Patterns of Inhabitation: Visual ethnography as a tool for critical pedagogies”. In Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architecture, Cities, Infrastructures - I International Congress: Proceedings, Ana Vaz Milheiro and Ana Silva Fernandes, eds., Lisbon: ISCTE-IUL, 2022, 410-430.
Nelson Mota, “Building Together: Citizens' Participation in the Urban Renewal of The Hague (Netherlands) in the 1980s”, Proceedings of Congreso Internacional Comunicación, Ciudad y Espacio Público. VII Reunión Anual de la Red de Cátedras UNESCO en Comunicación. Primera edición digital: abril, 2021. Lima: Universidad de Lima, Fondo Editorial.
Acharya, Shakuntala, Apoorv Naresh Bhatt, Amaresh Chakrabarti, Venkata Sk Delhi, J.C. Diehl, Nelson Mota, Andrius Jurelionis, Riina Subra (2021) “Design Thinking as a strategy to inculcate Problem-based Learning (PBL) in undergraduate education across South Asian Universities” in Proceedings of ICoRD’21, 8th International Conference on Research into Design (Mumbai, India, 2021).
Kulshreshtha, A., Vardon, P., Mota, N., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M., & Jonkers, H. M., 2018, “A case study on technical and social aspects of earth houses in rural India.” in Abstract from ISES 2018: International Symposium on Earthen Structures (ISES: Bangalore, India, 2017)
Gonçalo Canto Moniz and Nelson Mota, Nelson, 2017, “Urban Surveys: Architectural Education Through Visual Ethnography in the Porto School (1960-1969).” in The Tools of the Architect, Avermaete, Tom and Merlijn Hurx, eds, (Delft and Rotterdam: TU Delft and HNI), 124.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “Freedom to Build? Self-Help and Incremental growth in the politics of housing in post-revolutionary Portugal” in 74-14 SAAL and Architecture: Proceedings of the International Colloquium 74-14 SAAL and Architecture, (Coimbra and Porto: edarq, Centre for Social Studies and Fundação de Serralves), 111-19.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “Housing with the People: The Emancipatory Potential of Social Architecture” in II Congresso International de Habitação Colectiva Sustentável, (São Paulo: FAUUSP), 458-63.
Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Nelson Mota, 2015, “De Alberti aos CIAM: Em Direcção a uma Abordagem Humanista do Ensino da Arquitectura e do Habitat”, in Na Génese das Racionalidades Modernas II. Em Torno de Alberti e do Humanismo, Mário Krüger, ed (Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra), 371-388.
Ricardo Agarez, Nelson Mota, 2014, "'Bread & butter and architecture': Accommodating the everyday", in Papers from the third EAHN international meeting, M Rosso, ed, (Turin: Politecnico di Torino), 477-78.
Nelson Mota, 2013, “Engagement and estrangement: Participation and disciplinary autonomy in Álvaro Siza’s S. Victor neighbourhood”, in Cescontexto. Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilizations, Interventions, N. Duxbury, G. Canto Moniz, and G. Sgueo, eds (Coimbra: University of Coimbra, Centre for Social Studies), 588-595. Download full text.
Nelson Mota, Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Mário Krüger, 2012, “Humanism, Universalism and the Native Genius. Civic Engagement in Housing Design from Alberti to CIAM and Beyond” in Change. Architecture, Education, Practices, Xavier Costa and Marha Thorne, eds (Barcelona: ACSA), 150–156.
Nelson Mota, Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Mário Krüger, 2012, “From Alberti to the CIAM. In praise of a more humanist approach to housing”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Research "Cities in Transformation Research and Design", Milan 2012 (Leuven: European Association for Architectural Education), 252-255.
Ricardo Agarez, Nelson Mota, 2012, "Regionalism Redivivus. Do We Need a Closer Look?", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Architectural Network, (Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten), 315.
Nelson Mota, 2012, "The Vernacular in Dubrovnik, 1956: Fetishism or Commitment?" In Proceedings CD of the International Conference "Surveys on Vernacular Architecture. Their Significance in 20th Century Architectural Culture." (Porto: Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo CESAP/ESAP) (CD-ROM), 356-370.
Nelson Mota, “Mapping Patterns of Inhabitation: Visual ethnography as a tool for critical pedagogies”. In Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architecture, Cities, Infrastructures - I International Congress: Proceedings, Ana Vaz Milheiro and Ana Silva Fernandes, eds., Lisbon: ISCTE-IUL, 2022, 410-430.
Nelson Mota, “Building Together: Citizens' Participation in the Urban Renewal of The Hague (Netherlands) in the 1980s”, Proceedings of Congreso Internacional Comunicación, Ciudad y Espacio Público. VII Reunión Anual de la Red de Cátedras UNESCO en Comunicación. Primera edición digital: abril, 2021. Lima: Universidad de Lima, Fondo Editorial.
Acharya, Shakuntala, Apoorv Naresh Bhatt, Amaresh Chakrabarti, Venkata Sk Delhi, J.C. Diehl, Nelson Mota, Andrius Jurelionis, Riina Subra (2021) “Design Thinking as a strategy to inculcate Problem-based Learning (PBL) in undergraduate education across South Asian Universities” in Proceedings of ICoRD’21, 8th International Conference on Research into Design (Mumbai, India, 2021).
Kulshreshtha, A., Vardon, P., Mota, N., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M., & Jonkers, H. M., 2018, “A case study on technical and social aspects of earth houses in rural India.” in Abstract from ISES 2018: International Symposium on Earthen Structures (ISES: Bangalore, India, 2017)
Gonçalo Canto Moniz and Nelson Mota, Nelson, 2017, “Urban Surveys: Architectural Education Through Visual Ethnography in the Porto School (1960-1969).” in The Tools of the Architect, Avermaete, Tom and Merlijn Hurx, eds, (Delft and Rotterdam: TU Delft and HNI), 124.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “Freedom to Build? Self-Help and Incremental growth in the politics of housing in post-revolutionary Portugal” in 74-14 SAAL and Architecture: Proceedings of the International Colloquium 74-14 SAAL and Architecture, (Coimbra and Porto: edarq, Centre for Social Studies and Fundação de Serralves), 111-19.
Nelson Mota, 2016, “Housing with the People: The Emancipatory Potential of Social Architecture” in II Congresso International de Habitação Colectiva Sustentável, (São Paulo: FAUUSP), 458-63.
Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Nelson Mota, 2015, “De Alberti aos CIAM: Em Direcção a uma Abordagem Humanista do Ensino da Arquitectura e do Habitat”, in Na Génese das Racionalidades Modernas II. Em Torno de Alberti e do Humanismo, Mário Krüger, ed (Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra), 371-388.
Ricardo Agarez, Nelson Mota, 2014, "'Bread & butter and architecture': Accommodating the everyday", in Papers from the third EAHN international meeting, M Rosso, ed, (Turin: Politecnico di Torino), 477-78.
Nelson Mota, 2013, “Engagement and estrangement: Participation and disciplinary autonomy in Álvaro Siza’s S. Victor neighbourhood”, in Cescontexto. Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilizations, Interventions, N. Duxbury, G. Canto Moniz, and G. Sgueo, eds (Coimbra: University of Coimbra, Centre for Social Studies), 588-595. Download full text.
Nelson Mota, Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Mário Krüger, 2012, “Humanism, Universalism and the Native Genius. Civic Engagement in Housing Design from Alberti to CIAM and Beyond” in Change. Architecture, Education, Practices, Xavier Costa and Marha Thorne, eds (Barcelona: ACSA), 150–156.
Nelson Mota, Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Mário Krüger, 2012, “From Alberti to the CIAM. In praise of a more humanist approach to housing”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Research "Cities in Transformation Research and Design", Milan 2012 (Leuven: European Association for Architectural Education), 252-255.
Ricardo Agarez, Nelson Mota, 2012, "Regionalism Redivivus. Do We Need a Closer Look?", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Architectural Network, (Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten), 315.
Nelson Mota, 2012, "The Vernacular in Dubrovnik, 1956: Fetishism or Commitment?" In Proceedings CD of the International Conference "Surveys on Vernacular Architecture. Their Significance in 20th Century Architectural Culture." (Porto: Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo CESAP/ESAP) (CD-ROM), 356-370.