Invited Lectures
Álvaro Siza's Archaeology of the Ordinary
Lecture at CCA (Montréal, Canada), 26 November 2015
Lecture at CCA (Montréal, Canada), 26 November 2015
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer at the “Talks” lecture series, Faculty of Architecture at University of Porto (FAUP), 15 December 2023.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer and visiting reviewer at the Techne AHRC Doctoral Training, organized by Kingston University, School of Arts, Kingston, London, 5-7 June 2023.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer at the course “Social Sustainability in Human Habitats", TU Delft, 6 March 2023.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer at the seminar SES 5450 - Experimental Housing, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (Mass.), remote, 7 February 2023.
Mota, Nelson, participation in the seminar “Ethnographs: The (textual, graphical, photographical) transcription of field observation as a specific practice of Architectural Ethnography”, held at the Faculty of Architecture Politecnico de Milano (Italy), 5 October 2022
Mota, Nelson and Rohan Varma, lecture “Expanding Habitat: From CIAM to Correa”, at the Housing Histories collaborative class, Technion and Politecnico de Milano, remote, 24 November 2022.
Mota, Nelson , “Housing as Healthcare in NL: 120 Years since the Woningwet”, lecture for the students of the course “Radical Domesticities”, Umea School of Architecture, Umea University (Sweden), remote, 24 January 2022.
Mota, Nelson, lecture “Housing as Healthcare in the Netherlands, 1901-2021”, at the Housing Histories collaborative class, Technion and Politecnico de Milano, remote, 22 November 2021.
Mota, Nelson, guest reviewer in the Research Studio “Housing Commons in Zurich”, Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design, ETH Zurich, 9 November 2021.
Mota, Nelson and Susana Constantino, “3 Palimpsests”, 23 April 2020, Video-conference for the students of the course “Narratives of Restoration”, Erasmus+ Join Master Master Architecture, Landscape and Archaeology, University of Coimbra (Portugal).
Mota, Nelson, “100 Years of Housing in The Netherlands”, 15 March 2017, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
“Domestic Landscapes”, lecture presented at the "Lund Architecture Symposium", 11 April 2016, Lund School of Architecture, Lund, Sweden. Watch lecture on You Tube.
“Álvaro Siza’s Archaeology of the Ordinary. The welfare state and politics of urban renewal in 1980s Europe”, lecture presented in conjunction with the exhibition "Corner, Block, Neighbourhood, Cities. Álvaro Siza in Berlin and The Hague", 26 November 2015, CCA- Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Canada. Watch lecture on You Tube.
“The Architect and the Grassroots. Álvaro Siza and the SAAL Process in Post-revolutionary Portugal”, lecture at the opening of the exhibition “Ângela Ferreira. Revolutionary Traces”, 6 December 2014, Stroom, The Hague, The Netherlands.
“Freedom to Build? Self-Help and Incremental Growth in the Politics of Housing in Post-Revolutionary Portugal”, keynote lecture delivered at the International Colloquium “74 14 SAAL # Architecture”, 15 November 2014, Coimbra, Portugal.
“The ambiguities of Critical Regionalism”, delivered at the “Critical Regionalism Symposium” – Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft, 20 March, 2014, Delft, The Netherlands.
“The Machine in the Garden: Architecture between Nature and Artifact”, delivered at Oxford School of Architecture Evening Studio Lecture Series, 22 March, 2012, Oxford, UK.
“A Tale of Two Pritzkers. Portuguese Architecture Between Universal Civilization and Local Culture”, delivered at the “Here! Lecture Series: ‘How to make Europe?’”, 6 December, 2011, Flemish Architecture Institute, Antwerp, Belgium.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer at the “Talks” lecture series, Faculty of Architecture at University of Porto (FAUP), 15 December 2023.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer and visiting reviewer at the Techne AHRC Doctoral Training, organized by Kingston University, School of Arts, Kingston, London, 5-7 June 2023.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer at the course “Social Sustainability in Human Habitats", TU Delft, 6 March 2023.
Mota, Nelson, guest lecturer at the seminar SES 5450 - Experimental Housing, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge (Mass.), remote, 7 February 2023.
Mota, Nelson, participation in the seminar “Ethnographs: The (textual, graphical, photographical) transcription of field observation as a specific practice of Architectural Ethnography”, held at the Faculty of Architecture Politecnico de Milano (Italy), 5 October 2022
Mota, Nelson and Rohan Varma, lecture “Expanding Habitat: From CIAM to Correa”, at the Housing Histories collaborative class, Technion and Politecnico de Milano, remote, 24 November 2022.
Mota, Nelson , “Housing as Healthcare in NL: 120 Years since the Woningwet”, lecture for the students of the course “Radical Domesticities”, Umea School of Architecture, Umea University (Sweden), remote, 24 January 2022.
Mota, Nelson, lecture “Housing as Healthcare in the Netherlands, 1901-2021”, at the Housing Histories collaborative class, Technion and Politecnico de Milano, remote, 22 November 2021.
Mota, Nelson, guest reviewer in the Research Studio “Housing Commons in Zurich”, Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design, ETH Zurich, 9 November 2021.
Mota, Nelson and Susana Constantino, “3 Palimpsests”, 23 April 2020, Video-conference for the students of the course “Narratives of Restoration”, Erasmus+ Join Master Master Architecture, Landscape and Archaeology, University of Coimbra (Portugal).
Mota, Nelson, “100 Years of Housing in The Netherlands”, 15 March 2017, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
“Domestic Landscapes”, lecture presented at the "Lund Architecture Symposium", 11 April 2016, Lund School of Architecture, Lund, Sweden. Watch lecture on You Tube.
“Álvaro Siza’s Archaeology of the Ordinary. The welfare state and politics of urban renewal in 1980s Europe”, lecture presented in conjunction with the exhibition "Corner, Block, Neighbourhood, Cities. Álvaro Siza in Berlin and The Hague", 26 November 2015, CCA- Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Canada. Watch lecture on You Tube.
“The Architect and the Grassroots. Álvaro Siza and the SAAL Process in Post-revolutionary Portugal”, lecture at the opening of the exhibition “Ângela Ferreira. Revolutionary Traces”, 6 December 2014, Stroom, The Hague, The Netherlands.
“Freedom to Build? Self-Help and Incremental Growth in the Politics of Housing in Post-Revolutionary Portugal”, keynote lecture delivered at the International Colloquium “74 14 SAAL # Architecture”, 15 November 2014, Coimbra, Portugal.
“The ambiguities of Critical Regionalism”, delivered at the “Critical Regionalism Symposium” – Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft, 20 March, 2014, Delft, The Netherlands.
“The Machine in the Garden: Architecture between Nature and Artifact”, delivered at Oxford School of Architecture Evening Studio Lecture Series, 22 March, 2012, Oxford, UK.
“A Tale of Two Pritzkers. Portuguese Architecture Between Universal Civilization and Local Culture”, delivered at the “Here! Lecture Series: ‘How to make Europe?’”, 6 December, 2011, Flemish Architecture Institute, Antwerp, Belgium.
Paper Presentations
“Mapping Patterns of Inhabitation: Visual ethnography as a tool for critical pedagogies”. Paper delivered at the I International Congress “Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes”, 16-18 January 2019, Calouste Gulbenkian Fundation, Lisbon, Portugal.
“Architecture and Social Ecology: Visual Ethnography as a Research Method in Design Education”. Paper delivered at the conference “The Irritant Principle of Renewal: 100 years of Aldo & Hannie van Eyck”, 28-30 November 2018, TU Delft / Het Nieuwe Instituut, Delft / Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“Building Together: Citizens’ Participation in the Urban Renewal of The Hague (Netherlands) in the 1980s”. Paper delivered at the International Symposium on Communication, City and Public Space, 8-10 May 2018, University of Lima, Lima, Peru.
“Urban Surveys: Architectural Education Through Visual Ethnography in the Porto School (1960-1969).” Paper delivered at EAHN International Conference “The Tools of the Architect”, 22-24 November 2017, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands. (with Goncalo Canto Moniz)
“Housing in Performance: Designing for Growth and Change in India”. Paper delivered at Seminar “Housing Standards & Ideals: The Case of Housing Design in India”, 22nd June 2017, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Global Housing: Design approaches to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. Paper delivered at Seminar “Urban Thinkers Campus”, 7-9th June 2017, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“The Architecture of Incremental Housing: Typological Approaches to Accommodate Growth and Change Over Time”. Paper delivered at Seminar “Architecture Response-Ability”, 25 March 2017, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
“Reconciling Modernity with the Vernacular Tradition: The Portuguese contribution to the discussion on Habitat at CIAM X”. Paper delivered at “Symposium Living CIAM X”, 26 – 29th October 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
“Beyond Crisis and Heroism: Affordable Housing and the Politics of Development Aid in Addis Ababa (1974-2014)”. Paper delivered at 17th IPHS Conference “History, Urbanism, Resilience”, 18th – 20 July 2016, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Banks, Sweat and Shelter in Addis Ababa: Sites and Services in Performance”. Paper delivered at No Cost Housing Conference, 30th June - 1st July 2016, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
“Housing with the People The Emancipatory Potential of Social Architecture”. Paper delivered at II International Congress on Sustainable Collective Housing, 18/20 April, 2016, Faculty of Architecture, São Paulo, Brazil.
“Designed Self-Help. Producing Closed Forms for Open Buildings”. Paper delivered at The Future of Open Building Conference 2015, 9/11 September, 2015, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
“The SAAL Spring. Revolution, Housing and Bureaucracy in Portugal”. Paper delivered at the 68th SAH Annual Conference, 15/19 April, 2015, Chicago, USA.
“From the Kebele to the Condominium. Accommodating Social and Spatial Practices in Ethiopia’s Politics of Affordable Housing”. Paper delivered at the International Conference “Housing: A Critical Perspective”, 8/9 April, 2015, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
“The Predicament of Openness: Aesthetic Communication and Reception in Housing Design”. Paper delivered at the 2nd International Architecture Philosophy Conference, 9/11 July, 2014, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Dwelling in the middle landscape: Reconciling art and nature in mid-1950s architecture of rural communities”. Paper delivered at the Symposium “east west central 01: Re-humanizing architecture. New forms of community 1950–70”, 16/17 May, 2014, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
“Accommodating Conflicts: remoteness and nearness in Álvaro Siza‟s “Bonjour Tristesse”. Paper delivered at the 10th annual conference of the AHRA, 21/22 November, 2013, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK
“A Contaminated Gesamtkunstwerk. Portugal’s Postrevolutionary Participatory Housing Design between 1974 and 1977”. Paper delivered at the 12th International Bauhaus-Colloquium Weimar “Henry van de Velde and the Total Work of Art”, 4/7 April, 2013, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.
“Engagement and Estrangement: Participation and Disciplinary Autonomy in Álvaro Siza's S. Victor Neighbourhood”. Paper delivered at the International Conference "Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions", 28 June/1 July, 2012, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Economia, Coimbra, Portugal.
“Humanism, Universalism and the Native Genius. Civic engagement in housing design from Alberti to CIAM and beyond.” Paper delivered at the 2012 ACSA International Conference “CHANGE, Architecture, Education, Practices”, June 20-23, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
“The Vernacular in Dubrovnik, 1956: Fetishism or Commitment?”. Paper delivered at the International Conference "Surveys on Vernacular Architecture. Their Significance in 20th Century Architectural Culture", 17/19 May, 2012, Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, ESAP, Porto, Portugal.
“An Ambivalent Modernism: Álvaro Siza and Critical Regionalism”, delivered at Peripheral Modernisms – International Conference, 24 March, 2012, London, UK.
“Da ODAM para os CIAM: Diálogos entre a Civilização Universal e a Cultura Local”, delivered at Colóquio ODAM Colectivo e Singular, 18 June, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
“Between Avant-garde and Anonymity. Álvaro Siza’s Quarter in Évora”. Fixed? Architecture, Incompleteness and Change. 07 April, 2011, Plymouth, UK.
“O espaço doméstico burguês do Porto no final do século XIX: fronteiras entre o público e o privado”. 1st meeting CITCEM “Família, Espaço e Património”, 26 November, 2010, Guimarães, Portugal.
“Learning from the people. Vernacular, Identity and housing design in Portugal”. 11th International Docomomo Conference "Living in the Urban Modernity", 25 August, 2010, Mexico City, Mexico.
“CIAM and the Boudaries of Identity: towards a humanistic approach to Habitat”. ADGD Conference “The Multiple Faces of Identity in the Designed Environment”, 18 September 2009, Nottingham, UK.
“Modernist Housing for Contemporary Families. The arrival of the Athens Charter in Lisbon”. 10th Docomomo International Conference “The Challenge of Change”, 18 September, 2008, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“Mapping Patterns of Inhabitation: Visual ethnography as a tool for critical pedagogies”. Paper delivered at the I International Congress “Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes”, 16-18 January 2019, Calouste Gulbenkian Fundation, Lisbon, Portugal.
“Architecture and Social Ecology: Visual Ethnography as a Research Method in Design Education”. Paper delivered at the conference “The Irritant Principle of Renewal: 100 years of Aldo & Hannie van Eyck”, 28-30 November 2018, TU Delft / Het Nieuwe Instituut, Delft / Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“Building Together: Citizens’ Participation in the Urban Renewal of The Hague (Netherlands) in the 1980s”. Paper delivered at the International Symposium on Communication, City and Public Space, 8-10 May 2018, University of Lima, Lima, Peru.
“Urban Surveys: Architectural Education Through Visual Ethnography in the Porto School (1960-1969).” Paper delivered at EAHN International Conference “The Tools of the Architect”, 22-24 November 2017, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands. (with Goncalo Canto Moniz)
“Housing in Performance: Designing for Growth and Change in India”. Paper delivered at Seminar “Housing Standards & Ideals: The Case of Housing Design in India”, 22nd June 2017, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Global Housing: Design approaches to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. Paper delivered at Seminar “Urban Thinkers Campus”, 7-9th June 2017, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“The Architecture of Incremental Housing: Typological Approaches to Accommodate Growth and Change Over Time”. Paper delivered at Seminar “Architecture Response-Ability”, 25 March 2017, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
“Reconciling Modernity with the Vernacular Tradition: The Portuguese contribution to the discussion on Habitat at CIAM X”. Paper delivered at “Symposium Living CIAM X”, 26 – 29th October 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
“Beyond Crisis and Heroism: Affordable Housing and the Politics of Development Aid in Addis Ababa (1974-2014)”. Paper delivered at 17th IPHS Conference “History, Urbanism, Resilience”, 18th – 20 July 2016, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Banks, Sweat and Shelter in Addis Ababa: Sites and Services in Performance”. Paper delivered at No Cost Housing Conference, 30th June - 1st July 2016, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
“Housing with the People The Emancipatory Potential of Social Architecture”. Paper delivered at II International Congress on Sustainable Collective Housing, 18/20 April, 2016, Faculty of Architecture, São Paulo, Brazil.
“Designed Self-Help. Producing Closed Forms for Open Buildings”. Paper delivered at The Future of Open Building Conference 2015, 9/11 September, 2015, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
“The SAAL Spring. Revolution, Housing and Bureaucracy in Portugal”. Paper delivered at the 68th SAH Annual Conference, 15/19 April, 2015, Chicago, USA.
“From the Kebele to the Condominium. Accommodating Social and Spatial Practices in Ethiopia’s Politics of Affordable Housing”. Paper delivered at the International Conference “Housing: A Critical Perspective”, 8/9 April, 2015, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
“The Predicament of Openness: Aesthetic Communication and Reception in Housing Design”. Paper delivered at the 2nd International Architecture Philosophy Conference, 9/11 July, 2014, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Dwelling in the middle landscape: Reconciling art and nature in mid-1950s architecture of rural communities”. Paper delivered at the Symposium “east west central 01: Re-humanizing architecture. New forms of community 1950–70”, 16/17 May, 2014, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
“Accommodating Conflicts: remoteness and nearness in Álvaro Siza‟s “Bonjour Tristesse”. Paper delivered at the 10th annual conference of the AHRA, 21/22 November, 2013, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK
“A Contaminated Gesamtkunstwerk. Portugal’s Postrevolutionary Participatory Housing Design between 1974 and 1977”. Paper delivered at the 12th International Bauhaus-Colloquium Weimar “Henry van de Velde and the Total Work of Art”, 4/7 April, 2013, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.
“Engagement and Estrangement: Participation and Disciplinary Autonomy in Álvaro Siza's S. Victor Neighbourhood”. Paper delivered at the International Conference "Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions", 28 June/1 July, 2012, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Economia, Coimbra, Portugal.
“Humanism, Universalism and the Native Genius. Civic engagement in housing design from Alberti to CIAM and beyond.” Paper delivered at the 2012 ACSA International Conference “CHANGE, Architecture, Education, Practices”, June 20-23, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
“The Vernacular in Dubrovnik, 1956: Fetishism or Commitment?”. Paper delivered at the International Conference "Surveys on Vernacular Architecture. Their Significance in 20th Century Architectural Culture", 17/19 May, 2012, Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, ESAP, Porto, Portugal.
“An Ambivalent Modernism: Álvaro Siza and Critical Regionalism”, delivered at Peripheral Modernisms – International Conference, 24 March, 2012, London, UK.
“Da ODAM para os CIAM: Diálogos entre a Civilização Universal e a Cultura Local”, delivered at Colóquio ODAM Colectivo e Singular, 18 June, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
“Between Avant-garde and Anonymity. Álvaro Siza’s Quarter in Évora”. Fixed? Architecture, Incompleteness and Change. 07 April, 2011, Plymouth, UK.
“O espaço doméstico burguês do Porto no final do século XIX: fronteiras entre o público e o privado”. 1st meeting CITCEM “Família, Espaço e Património”, 26 November, 2010, Guimarães, Portugal.
“Learning from the people. Vernacular, Identity and housing design in Portugal”. 11th International Docomomo Conference "Living in the Urban Modernity", 25 August, 2010, Mexico City, Mexico.
“CIAM and the Boudaries of Identity: towards a humanistic approach to Habitat”. ADGD Conference “The Multiple Faces of Identity in the Designed Environment”, 18 September 2009, Nottingham, UK.
“Modernist Housing for Contemporary Families. The arrival of the Athens Charter in Lisbon”. 10th Docomomo International Conference “The Challenge of Change”, 18 September, 2008, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Course Lectures
“100 Years of Housing in The Netherlands”, 15 March 2017, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
"On Purpose... Self-Help and Incremental Growth in the Politics of Housing in Post-Revolutionary Portugal", Research Methods Seminar, 6 October 2015, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in Chandigarh”, delivered at RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl und Institut für Wohnbau und Grundlagen des Entwerfens, 14 July 2014, Aachen, Germany.
“At home com a burguesia. Espaço doméstico, cidades e arquitectura no séc. XIX”, Architecture Doctoral Program - Seminar “Cultura e Habitar”, 18 March 2011, University of Porto, Portugal.
“Viagem à Arquitectura do Quotidiano”, Seminar “Arquitectura e Viagem” - Architecture Doctoral Program, 25 November, 2010, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
“Modernity and the Vernacular - Identity and Housing from CIAM to SAAL”, Apertis Verbis research seminar, 30 September 2010, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
"On Purpose... Self-Help and Incremental Growth in the Politics of Housing in Post-Revolutionary Portugal", Research Methods Seminar, 6 October 2015, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in Chandigarh”, delivered at RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl und Institut für Wohnbau und Grundlagen des Entwerfens, 14 July 2014, Aachen, Germany.
“At home com a burguesia. Espaço doméstico, cidades e arquitectura no séc. XIX”, Architecture Doctoral Program - Seminar “Cultura e Habitar”, 18 March 2011, University of Porto, Portugal.
“Viagem à Arquitectura do Quotidiano”, Seminar “Arquitectura e Viagem” - Architecture Doctoral Program, 25 November, 2010, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
“Modernity and the Vernacular - Identity and Housing from CIAM to SAAL”, Apertis Verbis research seminar, 30 September 2010, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Seminars and Colloquia
Octávio Lixa Filgueiras: on the architect´s social function
Seminar organized by Fundação Arquitecto José Marques da Silva
18 April 2017, Porto, Portugal
Seminar organized by Fundação Arquitecto José Marques da Silva
18 April 2017, Porto, Portugal
“Adaptive Planning for African New Towns Workshop”, organized by International New Town Institute and Delft Global Initiative, 8 June 2017, Delft, The Netherlands.
“Octávio Lixa Filgueiras: on the architect´s social function”, seminar organized by Fundação Arquitecto José Marques da Silva, 18 April 2017, Porto, Portugal.
“Architecture, Response-Ibility, Housing”, seminar organized by CEPT University, 25 March 2017, Ahmedabad, India.
“Living CIAM X”, symposium organized by Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA) i Društvo arhitekata Dubrovnik (DAD), 26-29 October 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia
“Wohnungsfrage Academy: The Housing System”, workshop organized by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 22-28 October 2015, Berlin, Germany
“Patterns of inhabitation at the Schilderswijk”, workshop organized for the Stroom School, 12 February 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands
“An Archaeology of a Phd Research”, lecture at the TU Delft’s Research Week, organized by the Graduate School and the PhD Council of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, 12 January 2015, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
“An Archaeology of the Ordinary. CIAM Portugal and the Architecture of Common Sense”, lecture at the PhD Workshop organised by the Jaap Bakema Study Centre at Het Nieuwe Instituut, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, and the gta/ETH Zürich, 27 October 2014, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“Regeneration (part I)”, lecture delivered in the cycle “Porto Poetic Talks“, 13 March 2014, co-organized by Ordem dos Arquitectos – Secção Regional do Norte, and Câmara Municipal do Porto. Galeria Municipal Almeida Garrett, Porto, Portugal. (with Luís Miguel Correia)
“The SAAL Process. Portugal’s Postrevolutionary Participatory Housing Design between 1974 and 1976”, in PhD Debates at the Seminar “The Urban Project: Design With/By/For People. The Vicissitudes of Design and Participation in Urban Development”, 3-4 May 2013, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
“An Archaeology of The Ordinary. Malagueira Housing Neighbourhood”, Faculty of Architecture Peer Review Colloquium #8, 25 November, 2011, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“Modernity versus the Vernacular - Identity and Housing from CIAM to SAAL and Beyond”, 20x20: Pecha Kucha Session, 23 September, 2011, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“CIAM Portugal’s ‘Habitat Rural’ Grid: Dialogues Between Vernacular and Modernity”, talk delivered at Seminário de Arquitectura SAXX21 “Debates sobre (outros) modernos”, University of Coimbra, 21 June, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal.
“Modernity versus the Vernacular - Identity and Housing from CIAM to SAAL”, Faculty of Architecture Peer Review Colloquium #5, 23 April, 2010, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“Os CIAM e a questão da Identidade na arquitectura do espaço doméstico em Portugal duranto o “Estado Novo”, talk delivered at “Linha de Investigação: Arquitectura e Território no Século XX”, University of Coimbra, 29 April, 2009, Coimbra, Portugal.
“Octávio Lixa Filgueiras: on the architect´s social function”, seminar organized by Fundação Arquitecto José Marques da Silva, 18 April 2017, Porto, Portugal.
“Architecture, Response-Ibility, Housing”, seminar organized by CEPT University, 25 March 2017, Ahmedabad, India.
“Living CIAM X”, symposium organized by Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA) i Društvo arhitekata Dubrovnik (DAD), 26-29 October 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia
“Wohnungsfrage Academy: The Housing System”, workshop organized by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 22-28 October 2015, Berlin, Germany
“Patterns of inhabitation at the Schilderswijk”, workshop organized for the Stroom School, 12 February 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands
“An Archaeology of a Phd Research”, lecture at the TU Delft’s Research Week, organized by the Graduate School and the PhD Council of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, 12 January 2015, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
“An Archaeology of the Ordinary. CIAM Portugal and the Architecture of Common Sense”, lecture at the PhD Workshop organised by the Jaap Bakema Study Centre at Het Nieuwe Instituut, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, and the gta/ETH Zürich, 27 October 2014, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“Regeneration (part I)”, lecture delivered in the cycle “Porto Poetic Talks“, 13 March 2014, co-organized by Ordem dos Arquitectos – Secção Regional do Norte, and Câmara Municipal do Porto. Galeria Municipal Almeida Garrett, Porto, Portugal. (with Luís Miguel Correia)
“The SAAL Process. Portugal’s Postrevolutionary Participatory Housing Design between 1974 and 1976”, in PhD Debates at the Seminar “The Urban Project: Design With/By/For People. The Vicissitudes of Design and Participation in Urban Development”, 3-4 May 2013, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
“An Archaeology of The Ordinary. Malagueira Housing Neighbourhood”, Faculty of Architecture Peer Review Colloquium #8, 25 November, 2011, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“Modernity versus the Vernacular - Identity and Housing from CIAM to SAAL and Beyond”, 20x20: Pecha Kucha Session, 23 September, 2011, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“CIAM Portugal’s ‘Habitat Rural’ Grid: Dialogues Between Vernacular and Modernity”, talk delivered at Seminário de Arquitectura SAXX21 “Debates sobre (outros) modernos”, University of Coimbra, 21 June, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal.
“Modernity versus the Vernacular - Identity and Housing from CIAM to SAAL”, Faculty of Architecture Peer Review Colloquium #5, 23 April, 2010, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
“Os CIAM e a questão da Identidade na arquitectura do espaço doméstico em Portugal duranto o “Estado Novo”, talk delivered at “Linha de Investigação: Arquitectura e Território no Século XX”, University of Coimbra, 29 April, 2009, Coimbra, Portugal.